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This file is part of Ext JS 4.2

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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
 * Implements buffered rendering of a grid, allowing users can scroll
 * through thousands of records without the performance penalties of
 * renderering all the records on screen at once.
 * The number of rows rendered outside the visible area, and the
 * buffering of pages of data from the remote server for immediate
 * rendering upon scroll can be controlled by configuring the plugin.
 * You can tell it to create a larger table to provide more scrolling
 * before new rows need to be added to the leading edge of the table.
 *     var myStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
 *         // ...
 *         pageSize: 100,
 *         // ...
 *     });
 *     var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
 *         // ...
 *         autoLoad: true,
 *         plugins: {
 *             ptype: 'bufferedrenderer',
 *             trailingBufferZone: 20,  // Keep 20 rows rendered in the table behind scroll
 *             leadingBufferZone: 50   // Keep 50 rows rendered in the table ahead of scroll
 *         },
 *         // ...
 *     });
 * ## Implementation notes
 * This class monitors scrolling of the {@link Ext.view.Table
 * TableView} within a {@link Ext.grid.Panel GridPanel} to render a small section of
 * the dataset.
Ext.define('Ext.grid.plugin.BufferedRenderer', {
    extend: 'Ext.AbstractPlugin',
    requires: [
    alias: 'plugin.bufferedrenderer',
    lockableScope: 'both',

     * @cfg {Number}
     * @deprecated This config is now ignored.
    percentageFromEdge: 0.35,

     * @cfg {Boolean} [variableRowHeight=false]
     * Configure as `true` if the row heights are not all the same height as the first row. Only configure this is needed - this will be if the
     * rows contain unpredictably sized data, or you have changed the cell's text overflow stype to `'wrap'`.
    variableRowHeight: false,

     * @cfg {Number}
     * The zone which causes new rows to be appended to the view. As soon as the edge
     * of the rendered grid is this number of rows from the edge of the viewport, the view is moved.
    numFromEdge: 8,

     * @cfg {Number}
     * The number of extra rows to render on the trailing side of scrolling
     * **outside the {@link #numFromEdge}** buffer as scrolling proceeds.
    trailingBufferZone: 10,

     * @cfg {Number}
     * The number of extra rows to render on the leading side of scrolling
     * **outside the {@link #numFromEdge}** buffer as scrolling proceeds.
    leadingBufferZone: 20,

     * @cfg {Boolean} [synchronousRender=true]
     * By default, on detection of a scroll event which brings the end of the rendered table within
     * `{@link #numFromEdge}` rows of the grid viewport, if the required rows are available in the Store,
     * the BufferedRenderer will render rows from the Store *immediately* before returning from the event handler. 
     * This setting helps avoid the impression of whitespace appearing during scrolling.
     * Set this to `true` to defer the render until the scroll event handler exits. This allows for faster
     * scrolling, but also allows whitespace to be more easily scrolled into view.
    synchronousRender: true,

     * @cfg {Number}
     * This is the time in milliseconds to buffer load requests when scrolling the PagingScrollbar.
    scrollToLoadBuffer: 200,

    // private. Initial value of zero.
    viewSize: 0,
    // private. Start at default value
    rowHeight: 21,
     * @property {Number} position
     * Current pixel scroll position of the associated {@link Ext.view.Table View}.
    position: 0,
    lastScrollDirection: 1,
    bodyTop: 0,

    // Initialize this as a plugin
    init: function(grid) {
        var me = this,
            view = grid.view,
            viewListeners = {
                scroll: {
                    fn: me.onViewScroll,
                    element: 'el',
                    scope: me
                boxready: me.onViewResize,
                resize: me.onViewResize,
                refresh: me.onViewRefresh,
                scope: me,
                destroyable: true

        // If we are using default row heights, then do not sync row heights for efficiency
        if (!me.variableRowHeight && grid.ownerLockable) {
            grid.ownerLockable.syncRowHeight = false;

        // If we are going to be handling a NodeStore then it's driven by node addition and removal, *not* refreshing.
        // The view overrides required above change the view's onAdd and onRemove behaviour to call onDataRefresh when necessary.
        if (grid.isTree || grid.ownerLockable && grid.ownerLockable.isTree) {
            view.blockRefresh = false;
            view.loadMask = true;
        if (view.positionBody) {
            viewListeners.refresh = me.onViewRefresh;
        me.grid = grid;
        me.view = view;
        view.bufferedRenderer = me;
        view.preserveScrollOnRefresh = true;

        view.getViewRange = function() {
            return me.getViewRange();

        me.position = 0;

        me.gridListeners = grid.on('reconfigure', me.onReconfigure, me);
        me.viewListeners = view.on(viewListeners);

    bindStore: function(store) {
        var me = this;
        if (me.store) {
        me.storeListeners = store.on({
            scope: me,
            clear: me.onStoreClear,
            destroyable: true
        me.store = store;

        // If the view has acquired a size, calculate a new view size and scroll range when the store changes.
        if (me.view.componentLayout.layoutCount) {
            me.onViewResize(me.view, 0, me.view.getHeight());

    onReconfigure: function(grid, store){
        if (store && store !== this.store) {

    unbindStore: function() {
        this.store = null;

    onStoreClear: function() {
        var me = this;

        // Do not do anything if view is not rendered, or if the reason for cache clearing is store destruction
        if (me.view.rendered && !me.store.isDestroyed) {
            // Temporarily disable scroll monitoring until the scroll event caused by any following *change* of scrollTop has fired.
            // Otherwise it will attempt to process a scroll on a stale view
            if (me.scrollTop !== 0) {
                me.ignoreNextScrollEvent = true;
                me.view.el.dom.scrollTop = me.bodyTop = me.scrollTop = 0;

            me.position = me.scrollHeight = 0;
            me.lastScrollDirection = me.scrollOffset = null;

            // MUST delete, not null out because the calculation checks hasOwnProperty
            delete me.rowHeight;

    onViewRefresh: function() {
        var me = this,
            view = me.view,
            oldScrollHeight = me.scrollHeight,

        // View has rows, delete the rowHeight property to trigger a recalculation when scrollRange is calculated
        if (view.all.getCount()) {
            // We need to calculate the table size based upon the new viewport size and current row height
            // It tests hasOwnProperty so must delete the property to make it recalculate.
            delete me.rowHeight;

        // Calculates scroll range. Also calculates rowHeight if we do not have an own rowHeight property.
        // That will be the case if the view contains some rows.
        scrollHeight = me.getScrollHeight();

        if (!oldScrollHeight || scrollHeight != oldScrollHeight) {
            me.stretchView(view, scrollHeight);

        if (me.scrollTop !== view.el.dom.scrollTop) {
            // The view may have refreshed and scrolled to the top, for example
            // on a sort. If so, it's as if we scrolled to the top, so we'll simulate
            // it here.
        } else {

            // With new data, the height may have changed, so recalculate the rowHeight and viewSize.
            if (view.all.getCount()) {
                me.viewSize = 0;
                me.onViewResize(view, null, view.getHeight());

    onViewResize: function(view, width, height, oldWidth, oldHeight) {
        // Only process first layout (the boxready event) or height resizes.
        if (!oldHeight || height !== oldHeight) {
            var me = this,

            // Recalculate the view size in rows now that the grid view has changed height
            newViewSize = Math.ceil(height / me.rowHeight) + me.trailingBufferZone + me.leadingBufferZone;
            me.viewSize = me.setViewSize(newViewSize);
    stretchView: function(view, scrollRange) {
        var me = this,
            recordCount = (me.store.buffered ? me.store.getTotalCount() : me.store.getCount());

        if (me.stretcher) {
            me.stretcher.dom.style.marginTop = (scrollRange - 1) + 'px';
        } else {
            var el = view.el;

            // If the view has already been refreshed by the time we get here (eg, the grid, has undergone a reconfigure operation - which performs a refresh),
            // keep it informed of fixed nodes which it must leave alone on refresh.
            if (view.refreshCounter) {

            // If this is the last page, correct the scroll range to be just enough to fit.
            if (recordCount && (me.view.all.endIndex === recordCount - 1)) {
                scrollRange = me.bodyTop + view.body.dom.offsetHeight;
            this.stretcher = el.createChild({
                style: {
                    width: '1px',
                    height: '1px',
                    'marginTop': (scrollRange - 1) + 'px',
                    left: 0,
                    position: 'absolute'
            }, el.dom.firstChild);

    setViewSize: function(viewSize) {
        if (viewSize !== this.viewSize) {

            // Must be set for getFirstVisibleRowIndex to work
            this.scrollTop = this.view.el.dom.scrollTop;

            var me = this,
                store = me.store,
                elCount = me.view.all.getCount(),
                start, end,
                lockingPartner = me.lockingPartner;

                me.viewSize = store.viewSize = viewSize;

            // If a store loads before we have calculated a viewSize, it loads me.defaultViewSize records.
            // This may be larger or smaller than the final viewSize so the store needs adjusting when the view size is calculated.
            if (elCount) {
                start = me.view.all.startIndex;
                    end = Math.min(start + viewSize - 1, (store.buffered ? store.getTotalCount() : store.getCount()) - 1);

                // While rerendering our range, the locking partner must not sync
                if (lockingPartner) {
                me.renderRange(start, end);
                if (lockingPartner) {
        return viewSize;

    getViewRange: function() {
        var me = this,
            rows = me.view.all,
            store = me.store;

        if (store.data.getCount()) {
            return store.getRange(rows.startIndex, rows.startIndex + (me.viewSize || me.store.defaultViewSize) - 1);
        } else {
            return [];

     * Scrolls to and optionlly selects the specified row index **in the total dataset**.
     * @param {Number} recordIdx The zero-based position in the dataset to scroll to.
     * @param {Boolean} doSelect Pass as `true` to select the specified row.
     * @param {Function} callback A function to call when the row has been scrolled to.
     * @param {Number} callback.recordIdx The resulting record index (may have changed if the passed index was outside the valid range).
     * @param {Ext.data.Model} callback.record The resulting record from the store.
     * @param {Object} scope The scope (`this` reference) in which to execute the callback. Defaults to this BufferedRenderer.
    scrollTo: function(recordIdx, doSelect, callback, scope) {
        var me = this,
            view = me.view,
            viewDom = view.el.dom,
            store = me.store,
            total = store.buffered ? store.getTotalCount() : store.getCount(),
            startIdx, endIdx,

        // Sanitize the requested record
        recordIdx = Math.min(Math.max(recordIdx, 0), total - 1);

        // Calculate view start index
        startIdx = Math.max(Math.min(recordIdx - ((me.leadingBufferZone + me.trailingBufferZone) / 2), total - me.viewSize + 1), 0);
        tableTop = startIdx * me.rowHeight;
        endIdx = Math.min(startIdx + me.viewSize - 1, total - 1);

        store.getRange(startIdx, endIdx, {
            callback: function(range, start, end) {

                me.renderRange(start, end, true);

                targetRec = store.data.getRange(recordIdx, recordIdx)[0];
                targetRow = view.getNode(targetRec, false);
                view.body.dom.style.top = tableTop + 'px';
                me.position = me.scrollTop = viewDom.scrollTop = tableTop = Math.min(Math.max(0, tableTop - view.body.getOffsetsTo(targetRow)[1]), viewDom.scrollHeight - viewDom.clientHeight);

                // https://sencha.jira.com/browse/EXTJSIV-7166 IE 6, 7 and 8 won't scroll all the way down first time
                if (Ext.isIE) {
                    viewDom.scrollTop = tableTop;
                if (doSelect) {
                if (callback) {
                    callback.call(scope||me, recordIdx, targetRec);

    onViewScroll: function(e, t) {
        var me = this,
            store = me.store,
            totalCount = (store.buffered ? store.getTotalCount() : store.getCount()),
            scrollTop = me.scrollTop = me.view.el.dom.scrollTop,
            scrollHandled = false;

        // Flag set when the scrollTop is programatically set to zero upon cache clear.
        // We must not attempt to process that as a scroll event.
        if (me.ignoreNextScrollEvent) {
            me.ignoreNextScrollEvent = false;

        // Only check for nearing the edge if we are enabled, and if there is overflow beyond our view bounds.
        // If there is no paging to be done (Store's dataset is all in memory) we will be disabled.
        if (!(me.disabled || totalCount < me.viewSize)) {

            vscrollDistance = scrollTop - me.position;
            scrollDirection = vscrollDistance > 0 ? 1 : -1;

            // Moved at leat 20 pixels, or cvhanged direction, so test whether the numFromEdge is triggered
            if (Math.abs(vscrollDistance) >= 20 || (scrollDirection !== me.lastScrollDirection)) {
                me.lastScrollDirection = scrollDirection;
                scrollHandled = true;

        // Keep other side synced immediately if there was no rendering work to do.
        if (!scrollHandled) {
            if (me.lockingPartner && me.lockingPartner.scrollTop !== scrollTop) {
                me.lockingPartner.view.el.dom.scrollTop = scrollTop;

    handleViewScroll: function(direction) {
        var me                = this,
            rows              = me.view.all,
            store             = me.store,
            viewSize          = me.viewSize,
            totalCount        = (store.buffered ? store.getTotalCount() : store.getCount()),

        // We're scrolling up
        if (direction == -1) {

            // If table starts at record zero, we have nothing to do
            if (rows.startIndex) {
                if ((me.getFirstVisibleRowIndex() - rows.startIndex) < me.numFromEdge) {
                    requestStart = Math.max(0, me.getLastVisibleRowIndex() + me.trailingBufferZone - viewSize);
        // We're scrolling down
        else {

            // If table ends at last record, we have nothing to do
            if (rows.endIndex < totalCount - 1) {
                if ((rows.endIndex - me.getLastVisibleRowIndex()) < me.numFromEdge) {
                    requestStart = Math.max(0, me.getFirstVisibleRowIndex() - me.trailingBufferZone);

        // We scrolled close to the edge and the Store needs reloading
        if (requestStart != null) {
            requestEnd = Math.min(requestStart + viewSize - 1, totalCount - 1);

            // If calculated view range has moved, then render it
            if (requestStart !== rows.startIndex || requestEnd !== rows.endIndex) {
                me.renderRange(requestStart, requestEnd);

        // If we did not have to render, then just sync the partner's scroll position
        if (me.lockingPartner && me.lockingPartner.view.el && me.lockingPartner.scrollTop !== me.scrollTop) {
            me.lockingPartner.view.el.dom.scrollTop = me.scrollTop;

    renderRange: function(start, end, forceSynchronous) {
        var me = this,
            store = me.store;

        // If range is avaliable synchronously, process it now.
        if (store.rangeCached(start, end)) {

            if (me.synchronousRender || forceSynchronous) {
                me.onRangeFetched(null, start, end);
            } else {
                if (!me.renderTask) {
                    me.renderTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(me.onRangeFetched, me, null, false);
                // Render the new range very soon after this scroll event handler exits.
                // If scrolling very quickly, a few more scroll events may fire before
                // the render takes place. Each one will just *update* the arguments with which
                // the pending invocation is called.
                me.renderTask.delay(1, null, null, [null, start, end]);

        // Required range is not in the prefetch buffer. Ask the store to prefetch it.
        else {
            me.attemptLoad(start, end);

    onRangeFetched: function(range, start, end, fromLockingPartner) {
        var me = this,
            view = me.view,
            rows = view.all,
            increment = 0,
            calculatedTop = start * me.rowHeight,
            lockingPartner = me.lockingPartner;

        // View may have been destroyed since the DelayedTask was kicked off.
        if (view.isDestroyed) {

        // If called as a callback from the Store, the range will be passed, if called from renderRange, it won't
        if (!range) {
            range = me.store.getRange(start, end);

            // Store may have been cleared since the DelayedTask was kicked off.
            if (!range) {

        // No overlapping nodes, we'll need to render the whole range
        if (start > rows.endIndex || end < rows.startIndex) {
            top = calculatedTop;

        if (!rows.getCount()) {
            view.doAdd(range, start);
        // Moved down the dataset (content moved up): remove rows from top, add to end
        else if (end > rows.endIndex) {
            removeCount = Math.max(start - rows.startIndex, 0);

            // We only have to bump the table down by the height of removed rows if rows are not a standard size
            if (me.variableRowHeight) {
                increment = rows.item(rows.startIndex + removeCount, true).offsetTop;
            rows.scroll(Ext.Array.slice(range, rows.endIndex + 1 - start), 1, removeCount, start, end);

            // We only have to bump the table down by the height of removed rows if rows are not a standard size
            if (me.variableRowHeight) {
                // Bump the table downwards by the height scraped off the top
                top = me.bodyTop + increment;
            } else {
                top = calculatedTop;
        // Moved up the dataset: remove rows from end, add to top
        else {
            removeCount = Math.max(rows.endIndex - end, 0);
            oldStart = rows.startIndex;
            rows.scroll(Ext.Array.slice(range, 0, rows.startIndex - start), -1, removeCount, start, end);

            // We only have to bump the table up by the height of top-added rows if rows are not a standard size
            if (me.variableRowHeight) {
                // Bump the table upwards by the height added to the top
                top = me.bodyTop - rows.item(oldStart, true).offsetTop;
            } else {
                top = calculatedTop;
        // The position property is the scrollTop value *at which the table was last correct*
        // MUST be set at table render/adjustment time
        me.position = me.scrollTop;

        // Position the table element. top will be undefined if fixed row height, so table position will
        // be calculated.
        if (view.positionBody) {
            me.setBodyTop(top, calculatedTop);

        // Sync the other side to exactly the same range from the dataset.
        // Then ensure that we are still at exactly the same scroll position.
        if (lockingPartner && !lockingPartner.disabled && !fromLockingPartner) {
            lockingPartner.onRangeFetched(range, start, end, true);
            if (lockingPartner.scrollTop !== me.scrollTop) {
                lockingPartner.view.el.dom.scrollTop = me.scrollTop;

    setBodyTop: function(bodyTop, calculatedTop) {
        var me = this,
            view = me.view,
            store = me.store,
            body = view.body.dom,

        bodyTop = Math.floor(bodyTop);

        // See if there's a difference between the calculated top and the requested top.
        // This can be caused by non-standard row heights introduced by features or non-standard
        // data in rows.
        if (calculatedTop !== undefined) {
            delta = bodyTop - calculatedTop;
            bodyTop = calculatedTop;
        body.style.position = 'absolute';
        body.style.top = (me.bodyTop = bodyTop) + 'px';

        // Adjust scrollTop to keep user-perceived position the same in the case of the calculated position not matching where the actual position was.
        // Set position property so that scroll handler does not fire in response.
        if (delta) {
            me.scrollTop = me.position = view.el.dom.scrollTop -= delta;

        // If this is the last page, correct the scroll range to be just enough to fit.
        if (view.all.endIndex === (store.buffered ? store.getTotalCount() : store.getCount()) - 1) {
            me.stretchView(view, me.bodyTop + body.offsetHeight);

    getFirstVisibleRowIndex: function(startRow, endRow, viewportTop, viewportBottom) {
        var me = this,
            view = me.view,
            rows = view.all,
            elements = rows.elements,
            clientHeight = view.el.dom.clientHeight,

        // If variableRowHeight, we have to search for the first row who's bottom edge is within the viewport
        if (rows.getCount() && me.variableRowHeight) {
            if (!arguments.length) {
                startRow = rows.startIndex;
                endRow = rows.endIndex;
                viewportTop = me.scrollTop;
                viewportBottom = viewportTop + clientHeight;

                // Teleported so that body is outside viewport: Use rowHeight calculation
                if (me.bodyTop > viewportBottom || me.bodyTop + view.body.getHeight() < viewportTop) {
                    return Math.floor(me.scrollTop / me.rowHeight);

                // In first, non-recursive call, begin targetting the most likely first row
                target = startRow + Math.min(me.numFromEdge + ((me.lastScrollDirection == -1) ? me.leadingBufferZone : me.trailingBufferZone), Math.floor((endRow - startRow) / 2));
            } else {
                target = startRow + Math.floor((endRow - startRow) / 2);
            targetTop = me.bodyTop + elements[target].offsetTop;

            // If target is entirely above the viewport, chop downwards
            if (targetTop + elements[target].offsetHeight < viewportTop) {
                return me.getFirstVisibleRowIndex(target + 1, endRow, viewportTop, viewportBottom);
            // Target is first
            if (targetTop <= viewportTop) {
                return target;
            // Not narrowed down to 1 yet; chop upwards
            else if (target !== startRow) {
                return me.getFirstVisibleRowIndex(startRow, target - 1, viewportTop, viewportBottom);
        return Math.floor(me.scrollTop / me.rowHeight);

    getLastVisibleRowIndex: function(startRow, endRow, viewportTop, viewportBottom) {
        var me = this,
            view = me.view,
            rows = view.all,
            elements = rows.elements,
            clientHeight = view.el.dom.clientHeight,
            targetTop, targetBottom;

        // If variableRowHeight, we have to search for the first row who's bottom edge is below the bottom of the viewport
        if (rows.getCount() && me.variableRowHeight) {
            if (!arguments.length) {
                startRow = rows.startIndex;
                endRow = rows.endIndex;
                viewportTop = me.scrollTop;
                viewportBottom = viewportTop + clientHeight;

                // Teleported so that body is outside viewport: Use rowHeight calculation
                if (me.bodyTop > viewportBottom || me.bodyTop + view.body.getHeight() < viewportTop) {
                    return Math.floor(me.scrollTop / me.rowHeight) + Math.ceil(clientHeight / me.rowHeight);

                // In first, non-recursive call, begin targetting the most likely last row
                target = endRow - Math.min(me.numFromEdge + ((me.lastScrollDirection == 1) ? me.leadingBufferZone : me.trailingBufferZone), Math.floor((endRow - startRow) / 2));
            } else {
                target = startRow + Math.floor((endRow - startRow) / 2);
            targetTop = me.bodyTop + elements[target].offsetTop;

            // If target is entirely below the viewport, chop upwards
            if (targetTop > viewportBottom) {
                return me.getLastVisibleRowIndex(startRow, target - 1, viewportTop, viewportBottom);
            targetBottom = targetTop + elements[target].offsetHeight;

            // Target is last
            if (targetBottom >= viewportBottom) {
                return target;
            // Not narrowed down to 1 yet; chop downwards
            else if (target !== endRow) {
                return me.getLastVisibleRowIndex(target + 1, endRow, viewportTop, viewportBottom);
        return me.getFirstVisibleRowIndex() + Math.ceil(clientHeight / me.rowHeight);

    getScrollHeight: function() {
        var me = this,
            view   = me.view,
            store  = me.store,
            doCalcHeight = !me.hasOwnProperty('rowHeight'),
            storeCount = me.store.getCount();

        if (!storeCount) {
            return 0;
        if (doCalcHeight) {
            if (view.all.getCount()) {
                me.rowHeight = Math.floor(view.body.getHeight() / view.all.getCount());
        return this.scrollHeight = Math.floor((store.buffered ? store.getTotalCount() : store.getCount()) * me.rowHeight);

    attemptLoad: function(start, end) {
        var me = this;
        if (me.scrollToLoadBuffer) {
            if (!me.loadTask) {
                me.loadTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(me.doAttemptLoad, me, []);
            me.loadTask.delay(me.scrollToLoadBuffer, me.doAttemptLoad, me, [start, end]);
        } else {
            me.store.getRange(start, end, {
                callback: me.onRangeFetched,
                scope: me,
                fireEvent: false

    cancelLoad: function() {
        if (this.loadTask) {

    doAttemptLoad:  function(start, end) {
        this.store.getRange(start, end, {
            callback: this.onRangeFetched,
            scope: this,
            fireEvent: false

    destroy: function() {
        var me = this,
            view = me.view;

        if (view && view.el) {
            view.el.un('scroll', me.onViewScroll, me); // un does not understand the element options

        // Remove listeners from old grid, view and store
        Ext.destroy(me.viewListeners, me.storeListeners, me.gridListeners);